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Politics and Propaganda

Politics and Propaganda

From Hitler’s rise to power in 1933 until the liberation in 1945, music played an integral role in daily life under Nazism. The Nazi Party used music in its publicity, policy, and propaganda, and attempted to 'cleanse' the German musical world of 'degeneracy'.

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Resistance & Exile

Resistance & Exile

While for the vast majority of Nazi inmates armed resistance was almost impossible, isolated groups were able to engage in organised resistance—and music often supported their cause.

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The Nazi ghettos and camps housed millions of people from across Europe, and their responses to internment were as diverse as the religions, ages, and nationalities they represented.

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Music has played an integral role in Holocaust commemoration since the immediate post-war period. In the late 1940s, Jewish Holocaust survivors established a lively and diverse musical life in Displaced Persons’ camps in Allied-occupied Europe, particularly in the American zone of occupied Germany.

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Articles en vedette


Au-delà de la victimisation : Réimaginer la musique de l'Holocauste dans les programmes classiques

Les "compositeurs de l'Holocauste" comme Ullmann, Haas ou Schulhoff étaient avant tout des musiciens, la partie la plus importante de leur identité, et devraient être commémorés en tant que musiciens.


Recueil de chansons de Deggendorf

Le "Deggendorf Songbook" illustré est à la fois un artefact fascinant et un témoignage visuel de la vie culturelle et de la réinsertion sociale dans les camps DP.

Résistance et exil

Des Hymnes pour la France

Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, deux hymnes ont été adoptés par le régime de Vichy. Le premier était "La Marseillaise" et le second "Maréchal, nous voilà !"

Résistance et exil

Compositeurs en exil

Politique et propagande

La radio de musique classique en Grande-Bretagne pendant la guerre

Pour le meilleur ou pour le pire, la radio de la BBC a été la voix dominante de la Grande-Bretagne tout au long de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, pour laquelle la musique classique a été un élément important et révélateur.

Politique et propagande

Lapin Jojo

Ce cours explore l'association du symbolisme visuel et musical, en se concentrant sur la façon dont le film Jojo Rabbit utilise la musique populaire et les icônes visuelles et vocales de l'Holocauste.





Bunalied was written in mortal danger in the Buna-Monowitz subcamp of Auschwitz with lyrics by Fritz Löhner-Beda and music by Anton Geppert.

Henech Kon


Le compositeur Henech Kon (1890-1970) s'est installé à New York avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, où il faisait partie des écrivains et artistes immigrés qui avaient fui le nazisme. Il a continué à composer des pièces commémorant la destruction de la communauté juive polonaise.

Yonas Turkov


Jonas Turkow (1898-1987) was an actor, stage manager, director and writer. He received the Itzik Manger Prize for his contributions to Yiddish letters.

Diana Blumenfeld


Diana Blumenfeld (1903–1961) was a folksinger, pianist, and actress. Caught in the ghetto along with her husband, family and friends, she continued to sing, performing in cafes and in the ghetto theatre.

Yankl Krimski


Yankl Krimski was a theatre artist and musician in the Vilna ghetto. One of his most popular songs was 'Dos Elnte Kind' (The Lonely Child). Krimski’s fate is uncertain, but he is believed to have perished in an Estonian labour camp in 1943.

Mordechai Gebirtig


Poet, actor and songwriter Mordechai Gebirtig (1877-1942) was politically active and called 'the perfect Jewish folk poet'. His songs provide a window into daily Jewish life in inter-war Poland.

Isa Vermehren


Isa Vermehren (1918-2009) volunteered to support the German troops as an entertainer between 1940 and 1943. Due to her brother's defection she was taken to Ravensbrück, where she was locked in an isolation cell.

Morgan, Paul


Benzion Moskovits


In 1942 Cantor Benzion Moskovitsh (1907-1968) was deported to Westerbork and in 1944 to Buchenwald. There he sang for fellow prisoners and took notes of melodies he heard on a smuggled block-note.

Yehoshua Wieder


Cantor Yehoshua Wieder and his family were deported to Auschwitz, where his wife Chana and three youngest children were killed. Wieder and his three other children survived.

Charles Lowy


Cantor Charles Lowy (1911-1998) escaped Munich after Kristallnacht to Hungary and became chief cantor in Szolnok. From 1942 he was subjected to forced labour and liberated by the Red Army in 1945. His wife and son were killed in Auschwitz.

Gershon Sirota


Gershon Sirota (1874-1943) was one of the leading cantors of Europe during the "Golden Age of Hazzanut", sometimes referred to as the "Jewish Caruso". He and his family died together in the Warsaw uprising in 1943.

Joseph Schmidt


When the war broke out Joseph Schmidt (1904-1942) fled to France then retreated to Switzerland. Although in possession of an American visa and well known, he was interned and, owing to a lack of medical attention, he died on 16 November 1942.

Ullmann, Viktor

Professeur de musique
Chef d'orchestre

Carlo Taube

Chef d'orchestre

In December 1941, pianist, composer and conductor Carlo Sigmund Taube (1897-1944) was deported to Theresienstadt with his wife and child.

James Simon


In spring 1944, composer, pianist and musicologist James Simon (1880-1944) was sent to Westerbork. On April 4 he was deported with 1000 other inmates to Terezín. On 12 October 1944 he boarded the transport to Auschwitz.

Zikmund Schul


The composer and violinist Zikmund Schul (1916-1944) and his father left Germany in October 1933, taking residence in Prague. He was transported to Terezín on 11 November 1941 where he continued to compose pieces, few of which survive.

Rafael Schächter

Chef d'orchestre

Rafael Schächter (1905-1944) made his name as an accompanist and vocal coach, working in opera and theatre before deportation to Terezin in Nov 1941. A pioneer of cultural life in the ghetto, he was deported to Auschwitz on 16 Oct 1944.

Egon Ledeč


Egon Ledeč (1889-1944) was a Czech violinist and composer sent to Theresienstadt. He appears as the concertmaster in Karel Ančerl’s orchestra in the Nazi propaganda film of the camp.

Hans Krása


After spending several years in Terezin being active in its musical life, Hans Krasa (1899-1944) left for Auschwitz on 16 October 1944 with his fellow composers Viktor Ullmann, Pavel Haas and Gideon Klein.

Gideon Klein


At age 6, Gideon Klein's (1919-1945) precocious musicality was evident and he began to study piano with the head of the Přerov conservatory. He was an organiser of cultural life at Theresienstadt.

Dovid Ayznshtat

Chef d'orchestre

Dovid Ayznshtat (1890–1942) continued to compose, conduct, perform, and train aspiring musicians, in the Warsaw Ghetto, despite the limitations and dangers of ghetto life.

Misha Veksler

Chef d'orchestre

The conductor and composer Misha Veksler (1907-1943) became an important figure in the musical world of the Vilna ghetto, serving as the conductor of the theatre orchestra and composing music for many of the revues that were performed there.

Wolf Durmashkin

Chef d'orchestre

Wolf Durmashkin (1914-1944) était un compositeur, chef d'orchestre et pianiste juif de Vilnius. Il a été déporté à Klooga lors de la liquidation du ghetto de Vilna et a été tué un jour avant la libération.

Teodor Ryder

Chef d'orchestre

Conductor and pianist Teodor Ryder (1881-1944) was deportated to the Łódź ghetto in 1940. He continued to perform and organise even after the death of his wife and gave his final concert in the summer of 1943.

Alma Rosé

Chef d'orchestre

The violinist Alma Rosé (1906-1944) luck came to an end when she was arrested in France and sent to Drancy for several months. In July 1943, she was transported to Auschwitz.

Zofia Czajkowska

Professeur de musique
Chef d'orchestre

The Polish music teacher Zofia Czajkowska arrived in Auschwitz on 27 April 1942 on a transport from her home town of Tarnow. She was to become the original organiser and first conductor of the Birkenau women’s orchestra.

Adam Kopyciński

Chef d'orchestre

Polish musician Adam Kopyciński (1907-1982) was conductor of the men's orchestra in Auschwitz. He struggled with the morality of a death camp orchestra knowing that rejecting a musician could well mean his death.

Otto Klemperer

Chef d'orchestre

Otto Klemperer (1885-1973) était un chef d'orchestre et compositeur juif d'origine allemande, décrit comme "le dernier des quelques vrais grands chefs d'orchestre de sa génération". En avril 1933, il s'est enfui en Autriche, laissant derrière lui sa femme et ses enfants, pour les suivre lorsqu'il aurait obtenu une résidence permanente.

Martin Rosenberg


In 1933, Rosebury D’Arguto’s activities with his Gesangsgemeinschaft was banned. On a return trip to Germany to settle some personal matters in September 1939, he was arrested by the Gestapo, and taken to Sachsenhausen where he organized a Jewish choir.

Kurt Gerron


A cabaret artist, theatre and film actor and director of theatre and early sound movies, Kurt Gerron (1897-1944) was a successful entertainer of the 1920s and early 1930s. He directed the Terezin propaganda film and was killed soon after.

Wolfgang Langhoff


Actor, director and leftist activist Wolfgang Langhoff (1901-1966) engaged in cultural activities in Börgemoor, organising the ‘Zirkus Konzentrazani’, as well as co-creating the song ‘Moorsoldatenlied’.

Walter Starkie et l'Institut britannique de Madrid


Le musicien Walter Starkie a créé "El British" et a rencontré le général Franco pour officialiser les échanges culturels entre la Grande-Bretagne et l'Espagne. Les efforts de Starkie ont contribué à maintenir la neutralité de l'Espagne pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Portrait of Dame Myra Hess

Myra Hess


Dame Julia Myra Hess, DBE (1890-1965) était une pianiste anglaise, surtout connue pour ses interprétations des œuvres de Bach, Mozart, Beethoven et Schumann. Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, elle a organisé des concerts à la National Gallery pour remonter le moral des troupes.

Leo Blech

Chef d'orchestre

L'autorisation de Göring permet à Heinz Tietjen de continuer à employer Leo Blech malgré ses origines juives. Renvoyé "pour raison d'âge", il s'exile à Riga en tant que premier invité de l'Opéra national, où il dirige de nombreux opéras à succès.

Bruno Walter


En 1898, Bruno Walter Schlesinger (1879-1962) est directeur de théâtre musical et, quelques années plus tard, directeur de l'opéra d'État de Bavière. Mis à l'index par les nazis, il part aux États-Unis en 1938 où il dirige le New York Philharmonic.

Weill, Kurt


Comme peu d'autres, Kurt Weill (1900-1950) et Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) sont synonymes de l'innovation culturelle de la République de Weimar. Surtout connu pour son Die Dreigroschenoper, le duo a représenté tout ce que les nazis ont déclaré être leur ennemi.

Schönberg, Arnold


Křenek, Ernst


Compositeur autrichien du célèbre opéra de jazz Jonny Spielt Auf, Enrst Krenek (1900-1991) a émigré aux États-Unis en 1938, après que sa musique eut été interdite par le régime nazi. Il a enseigné dans plusieurs universités et a continué à composer jusqu'à sa mort en 1991.

Berthold Goldschmidt


Le compositeur émigré Berthold Goldschmidt (1903-1996) est décédé à Londres à l'âge de 93 ans. Il vivait dans le même appartement du rez-de-chaussée depuis qu'il avait quitté l'Allemagne pour fuir les nazis en octobre 1935.

Eisler, Hanns


Paul Arma


Paul Arma (1905-1987) est une figure cruciale de l'histoire de la musique de la Résistance française, tant par les chansons qu'il a composées que par ses efforts pour préserver l'énorme corpus musical créé pendant la guerre. Pour Arma, les chansons de la Résistance n'étaient pas seulement des sources d'espoir et des actes de courage en temps de guerre, mais aussi des objets d'art importants à sauver.

Alfred Rosenberg


Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946) a écrit Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts (Le mythe du 20e siècle) en 1934, qui défendait la suprématie de la race "aryenne" et la menace que représentaient les Juifs. Il a été reconnu coupable de crimes contre l'humanité et exécuté.

Hans Pfitzner


Le compositeur Hans Pfitzner (1869-1949) se voyait comme un défenseur de la nation allemande, de ses valeurs et de sa culture contre une France "dégénérée" et "corrompue". Lors de son procès en dénazification, aux côtés de Furtwängler, Egk et Strauss, il a été déclaré non coupable.

Hans Joachim Moser


Hans Joachim Moser (1889-1967) reprochait à l'Amérique et aux Juifs de commercialiser la musique. Son engagement à célébrer l'Allemagne lui vaut l'approbation des nazis et il est promu secrétaire général du ministère de la Propagande.

Gustav Havemann

Chef d'orchestre

Le violoniste et chef d'orchestre Gustav Havemann (1882-1960) est passé du statut de musicien moderniste et d'ami des compositeurs juifs radicaux à celui d'idéologue convaincu de la musique nazie, puis à celui de fervent antifasciste après la guerre.

Herbert Gerigk


Le Lexikon der Juden in der Musik de Herbert Gerigk (1905-1996) était si populaire qu'en 1943, des milliers d'exemplaires circulaient dans tout le Reich allemand. Même dans le cadre de l'idéologie nazie, Gerigk était connu pour être particulièrement conservateur et critique.

Karl Blessinger


Auteur de l'ouvrage Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer, Mahler : Three Chapters of Jewry in Music as the Key to Music History of the 19th Century, publié en 1939, Karl Blessinger (1888-1962) a établi sa réputation de musicologue antisémite parmi les plus éminents du Troisième Reich.

Goebbels, Joseph


Joseph Goebbels voulait promouvoir toutes les œuvres démontrant l'hégémonie allemande en musique ; c'est, paradoxalement, pourquoi il a d'abord protégé les compositeurs ou chefs d'orchestre opposés à l'application des lois antisémites, allant jusqu'à occulter les origines juives de certains compositeurs de talent ou à protéger leurs épouses.

Wladyslaw Szlengel


Władysław Szlengel (1912-1943) was a Jewish-Polish poet, lyricist, journalist, and stage actor. He was shot along with his wife at the age of 28.

Avraham Sutzkever


Avraham Sutzkever (1913-2010) is one of the most important contemporary Yiddish poets. During the war, Sutzkever was involved in many acts of resistance and helped save many important texts. He escaped to Moscow with his wife.

Leah Rudnitski


Leah Rudnitski (1916-1943) wrote one of the most beautiful lullabies to have survived the Vilna ghetto, entitled ‘Dremlen feygl oyf di tsvaygn’ (Birds doze on the boughs). She was arrested by the Gestapo and sent to Treblinka, where she was murdered.

Shmerke Kaczerginski


[Translated to "French" by "deepL"] Poète et combattant partisan, Shmerke Kaczerginski (1908-1954) était un collectionneur de chants yiddish de la Shoah. Il a été envoyé dans le ghetto de Vilna au début de l'année 1942 où il a composé des chansons pour consoler les prisonniers et encourager la résistance.

Hirsh Glick


Hirsch Glick (1922-1944) was a Jewish poet and partisan. He began to write Yiddish poetry in his teens and became co-founder of Yungvald, a group of young Jewish poets.

Isaiah Shpigl


Writer, poet and teacher of Yiddish literature, Isaiah Spiegel (1906-1990), was an inmate of the Lodz Ghetto from its inception in 1940 until its liquidation in 1945. In August 1944, Shpigl hid some of his writings in a cellar and took the rest with him to Auschwitz.

Moshe Diskant


An important poet and song writer in the Kovno ghetto, Moshe Diskant was critical of the divisions between wealthy and poor in the ghetto.

Avrom Akselrod


Avrom Akselrod was a well-known poet and songwriter in the Kovno ghetto, known for his cynical, humorous and realistic depictions of the misery and occasional joys of ghetto life.

Karel Berman


Bass singer Karel Berman (1919-1995) was deported to Terezin on 6 Mar 1943. He sang in operas and recitals and was cast as 'Death' in Ullmann’s Der Kaiser von Atlantis. Transported to Auschwitz on 28 Sep 1944 and liberated from the Allach camp.

Marysia Ayznshtat


Marysia Ayznshtat (1921-1942) était l'une des figures musicales les plus appréciées du ghetto de Varsovie. Elle a été abattue par un officier SS à l'âge de vingt et un ans.

Khayele Rozental


Khayele Rozental (1924-1979) was one of the most popular singers in the Vilna ghetto. She established her talents in drama and singing aged 16, when she was chosen to represent Vilna at the Festival of Songs in Moscow.

Lyube Levitski


Soprano Lyube Levitski's beautiful voice made her a star at the age of 21. In the Vilna ghetto she was lashed, kept in solitary confinement for a month, and eventually killed at Ponar.

Broydo, Kasriel


Yankele Hershkovitsh


In 1940, Yankele Hershkovitsh (1910-1972) was deported to the Łódź ghetto. He became the much-loved voice of the ghetto, singing in the courtyards and streets, and documenting and commenting on events.

Fania Fénelon


Fania Fénelon (1922-1983) was a French pianist, composer and cabaret singer whose contested 1976 memoir, Sursis pour l'orchestre, about survival in the Women's Orchestra of Auschwitz during the Holocaust was adapted as the 1980 television film, Playing for Time.

Aleksander Kulisiewicz


Alexander Kulisiewicz (1918-1982) was a poet, player, and songwriter of ballads in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp that often evoked his native Poland with nostalgia and patriotic zeal.

Jozef Kropinski


The Polish musician Jozef Kropinski was born on 28 December 1913 in Berlin. On 7 May 1940, Kropinski was arrested by the Gestapo for publishing an underground newspaper, and sent to Auschwitz.

Jan Vala


Jan Vala was a self-taught guitarist, singer and composer. He had been the owner of a popular bar in Ostravia, where he had entertained his patrons with comedy sketches and musical performances. He spent 2,060 days in German prisons and camps.

Les troubadours de la Résistance française


Les chansons de la Résistance française ont été rassemblées par Paul Arma et son épouse Edmée pour sauver de l'oubli les nombreuses chansons qui ont été écrites en tant qu'actes de résistance pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et pour reconnaître les efforts déployés et les dangers affrontés par leurs créateurs.

Eta Tyrmand

Professeur de musique

Le compositeur juif biélorusse Eta (Edi) Tyrmand est l'un des quelque 30 000 Juifs biélorusses qui ont rejoint la résistance des partisans soviétiques.

Témoins de Jéhovah

témoin de Jéhovah

Erich Hugo Frost

témoin de Jéhovah

Composer and musician Erich Hugo Frost (1900-1987) was imprisoned several times in prisons and concentration camps between 1934 and 1945. He composed ‘Fest steht in großer, schwerer Zeit (Stand Fast in Great and Hard Times) in the spring of 1941.

Leo Strauss


Leo Straus (1897-1944) was arrested along with his wife Myra and sent to Theresienstadt where he was involved in cabaret productions, both as a librettist and performer. In October 1944, they were deported to Auschwitz and killed.

Artur Gold


Artur Gold (1897-1943) était un violoniste et compositeur polonais. Il a collaboré avec son frère Henryk Gold et avec Jerzy Petersburski, avec qui il a arrangé de la musique. Lui et ses collègues musiciens ont été assassinés pendant les dernières semaines de Treblinka.

Wladyslaw Szpilman


The musical career of Wladyslaw Szpilman (1911-2000) was interrupted by the German invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939. Szpilman and his family were driven, along with hundreds of thousands of other Jews, into the Warsaw ghetto.

Avrom Brudno


Avrom Brudno was a musician and composer in the Vilna ghetto. He created many of the ghetto’s most successful songs including the melody for ‘Friling’. He died in Klooga.

Dovid Beyglman


David Beigelman (1887–1945) was a Polish violinist, orchestra leader, and composer of Yiddish songs. In the Łódź ghetto established a small theatre where he composed prolifically and wrote his own lyrics.

Michael Hofmekler


One of the remarkable reunions to take place in the immediate aftermath of the war was that of the Jewish brothers Michael (1898-1994) and Robert Hofmekler (1905-1994), in June 1945, at the Saint Ottilien Displaced Persons’ camp.

Henry Meyer


A doctor put Henry Meyer’s ID on a corpse and hid the violinist. Meyer (1923-2006) was transferred to Birkenau, where he played in the orchestra. After brief time in other camps and surviving a death march, he survived and emigrated to the US.

Arno Nadel


Jewish musicologist, composer, playwright, poet, and painter Arno Nadel (1878-1943) had an exit visa to England but he was too weak to make the journey. On 12th March 1943 he was deported to Auschwitz where he was murdered the same year.

Hans Keller


Le musicologue et critique musical britannique d'origine autrichienne Hans Keller (1919-1985), qui a apporté d'importantes contributions à la musicologie et à la critique musicale, a été arrêté par les nazis et contraint de quitter l'Autriche après l'Anschluss en 1938.

Komitas Vardapet in 1902 (colourised)

Komitas Vardapet


Composer and ethnomusicologist Komitas Vardapet (1869-1935) was not protected by his esteemed cultural reputation and was sent into exile along with 800 intellectuals by the Young Turks. He was one of the few to survive the Armenian Genocide.

Henryk Apte


Henryk Apte was a prominent figure in the cultural and musical life of the Jewish community in Krakow during the early 20th century.

Paulina Braun


Paulina Braun (1915-1943) was a songwriter and composer in the Warsaw ghetto. Before being forced into ghetto’s cramped quarters, she had established a name for herself as a composer in the Polish theatre world of Warsaw.

Alek Volkovisky


Le pianiste et auteur de chansons Alek Volkoviski (1931-2019) a remporté un concours en 1943, à l'âge de onze ans, dans le ghetto de Vilna, pour sa berceuse "Shtiler, shtiler".

Yankl Trupyanski

Professeur de musique

Yankl Trupyanski was (1909-1944) a music teacher and composer of children's songs in Warsaw and Vilna. He composed many of the songs sung by children in the Yiddish schools of the inter-war years.

Leyb Rozental


Leyb Rozental (1916-1945) was a poet, publishing his first poetry book at the age of 14. In the Vilna ghetto he became one of the most successful writers of musicals and theatre revues.

Rikle Glezer


Rikle Glezer (1924-) was only 16 when the Nazis invaded her home city of Vilna. She wrote several songs during her years of imprisonment in the Vilna ghetto. She escaped during deportation and joined the partisans in the forests around Vilna.

Khane Khaytin


Khane Khaytin (1925-2004) was a Lithuanian-Jewish songwriter who wrote many popular songs in the Shavli ghetto.

Salomon Kannewasser


Salomon Meijer Kannewasser (1916-1945) was the lead singer in a popular young musical duo from Amsterdam known as Johnny & Jones. Their popularity began in 1938 and they went on to record six albums under the Panachord music label.

Arnold Simeon van Wesel


Arnold Simeon van Wesel (1918-1945) played guitar in a popular young musical duo from Amsterdam known as Johnny & Jones. Their popularity began in 1938 and they went on to record six albums under the Panachord music label.

Hans Neumeyer

Professeur de musique

From the age of fourteen, Hans Neumeyer (1887-1944), a composer and teacher of musical composition, was completely blind. He died whilst interned in Theresienstadt on 19 May 1944.

Peter Gellhorn

Professeur de musique
Chef d'orchestre

Le chef d'orchestre, compositeur et pianiste allemand Peter Gellhorn (1912-2004) a fui l'Allemagne dans les années 1930 et s'est installé à Londres. Il a dirigé le Royal Opera House, Sadler's Wells et Glyndebourne.

Walter Bricht

Professeur de musique

Walter Bricht (1904-1970) était un compositeur autrichien dont les années en tant que compositeur professionnel ont coïncidé avec l'ascension d'Hitler et le début de l'austro-fascisme en 1933.

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